I don't want to base my success on my appearance or the number on the scale. So I need something to work for. Something to train for. So, following Laura's footsteps, I will be running a 5K race on October 9th. So I have to train for it.

Ok. No more memories of when I used to be a skinny bitch. Back to how I can be one again.
Well. No personal training meeting yesterday. I called to cancel. Between burning calves and stiff shoulders, my body seriously needed the day off. So the recliner became my best friend. And I became Queen of TV Land for a day. Yeah yeah. Ok. I know. I suck. Don't judge me.
And work was crazy today. So again...no workout. But. In order to make up for being such a lazy slug, tomorrow morning will include interval endurance training and lifting.
So for anyone who would like the oh-so-interesting details of my punishment-for-being-lazy workout, here ya are:
Set One: Breath Enhancing Pilates (from Runner's World...I cited my source just so you all don't think I'm full of crap)
- The Hundred: 10 reps. Teaches controlled breathing, so that your inhales and exhales are balanced. Bonus: Builds strong abs!
- The Swan: 10 reps. Opens up the chest and deepens your lung capacity to correct shallow breathing.
- Standing Chest Expansion: 5 reps. Stretches the intercostal muscles (which lie between the ribs), relaxes the shoulders, engages the diaphragm and pelvic floor, and helps balance breathing between the left and right lungs.
- The Roll-Up: 5 reps. Loosens up and elongates the lower back, hamstrings, and calves. Also improves core strength.
- The Saw: 4 reps per side. Stretches the hamstrings and the quadratus lumborum muscle, which is responsible for lifting the hip as you swing forward into your stride.
- The One-Leg Kick: 6 reps per side. Stretches the quadriceps, opens the chest, and improves posture.
For info on how to do these exercises, check out: http://www.runnersworld.com/article/0,7120,s6-238-263-266-12996-0,00.html
Set Two: Complete Body Lifting
This means that I'll do 3 sets of 15-12-10 reps on gym machines for my legs, arms, back, shoulders, and chest.
Set Three: Interval Endurance Training
- 5-minute warmup
- 5-minute brisk walk followed by 2-minute easy jog
- repeat walk-run
- repeat walk-run
- repeat walk-run
- repeat walk-run
- 5-minute cooldown
Oh. I think I'm gonna be a sore girl tomorrow. But it'll hurt so good.
Tonight = wine night with the girls at 7:30! And tomorrow night = sushi at RA!
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